Are you ready to ‘Go Live’ with a Webinar on Social Media?

Are you looking for new ways to reach your online audience?


Talk directly to your audience and GoLive on social media, here is a short Guide on using Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram


Going Live on social media platforms is a great way to engage with your audience, receive instant interaction and feedback, and extend your reach. Here is a brief guide to help you GoLive on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.


GoLive on Social Media


For Facebook Live go directly onto the Facebook Company page, click on Publish then click on Live Video – you will then be instantly live on the Facebook Video via your camera.  You will then need to run the chat and comments to interact with your audience!


Or you can stream via Zoom which maybe a better idea is you would like to co present or have a presentation to share: Here are the details on how: Streaming a Meeting or Webinar Live on Facebook 


Thinking of Going Live on LinkedIn? The first step to become a LinkedIn Live broadcaster you will need to complete an Application Form . To live stream to any platform via Zoom requires some configuration and setting up


For Twitter, go to the Camera Icon on the composer, click on Live then GoLive. You can add a description and invite friends to join you.


For Instagram if you would like to GoLive tap on the camera on the top left of the screen, swipe right for the Instagram Live screen, then tap on the GoLive button to start . If you would liek to co present tap on a person’s name to invite them to join your live video and tap Add. Keep in mind you can only invite someone who is already viewing your live video.If your friend accepts the invitation to join, you’ll see them appear in a split-screen view. You’ll also see if they’ve chosen to decline.


Remember when you GoLive on any social media platform, you need to be prepared and ready, both with content and your professional image. Make sure you can run the chat or online questions so you are interactive with your audience.

Take Kimberli Allen’s advice and position your webcam to avoid the #nosemadness. Also take a look at options with Zoom to improve your Virtual Appearance





For a more detailed guide to Going Live take a look at The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Live Streaming in 2020 by Hootsuite


If you would like more details on creating a webinar or online presentation do get in touch with our team at Everything Webinar

About the author: Everything Webinar

About the author: Everything Webinar

Everything Webinar has a team of blog writers who contribute to the World of Webinars!