Webinar In A Weekend

Webinar In A Weekend

We are excited to announce the revival of Webinar in a Weekend!  This event will be hosted only once in 2020 offering public registration. Build your next virtual presentation in just 3 days!

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The news you need to rock your next presentation

The news you need to rock your next presentation

Good news to rock your next presentation!   Keep reading for exciting news on how our @AmazonKindle launch can benefit you:   I am absolutely passionate about helping you structure your next in-person or virtual presentation. After 20+ years as a corporate...

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Nice To Meet Your Next Presentation

You are Amazing. Engaging. Effective.  You begin with a Placeholder Slide, include a clear Objective Slide and end with a Let’s Connect Slide.  I absolutely LOVE the way you are structured.

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My greatest frustrations with virtual meeting platforms

My greatest frustrations with virtual meeting platforms

Everything Webinar asked me to chime in on this issue’s theme by picking one of my greatest frustrations with virtual meeting platforms. It’s hard to pick a single feature that “everyone gets wrong,” since I can usually find at least one vendor who has recognized and solved the problem.

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Two words presenters should NEVER say

Two words presenters should NEVER say

Two words presenters should NEVER say – But Almost Always do! Clearly you have given a presentation in the past or you will present in the near future if the title of this post caught your attention.  I wonder what these two words are is a question roaming through your mind.  Have I ever spoken these two words?

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Take the challenge like a true leader

Take the challenge like a true leader

Just the other day I challenged Jeff Gross to craft his company message in less than two sentences (or 25 words) so the message could be easily shared.  Jeff took the challenge and completed the task like a true leader.

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