Do you have webinar egg on your face?
Have you ever heard the term “I have egg on my face?” “With egg on ones face”
If you listen to our quick Webinar Daily post below you can hear a little more about others who have made the mistake of trying to host a successful virtual event with no guidance whatsoever.
I personally received two calls last week from potential clients who expressed major concern with adding the “virtual” element to a two-day or three-day event. According to the client, past events have not been well received mainly because the virtual audience did not feel they were receiving the same level of interactivity as the in-person attendees. I completely understand the frustration, which is why our business is still going strong after 18 years.
Our woman owned business, Everything Webinar, has successfully converted over 20 in-person events, during the last two years, to 100% virtual or a combination of virtual and in-person which is known as a “hybrid” event or a “dual platform” event. We have converted events around the globe with a strong team of professionals who all share a passion for training as well as technology. We continue to thrive because know we provide an invaluable service to those humans who value success.
If you have a choice between cancelling an event and converting, choose to convert!
Here is a short list of how to make a good decision about your event:
➡️Is your event at least 60 days out?
➡️Are there key stakeholders who will miss out if you don’t add the virtual option?
➡️Can you monetize the event if you add the virtual option?
➡️Will you be able to market your brand as “innovative” “tech savvy” or “adaptable” if you offer an online option?
➡️Do you have a budget to hire a professional coach and/or team to help guide you through the details?
If you answered “yes” to at least two of these questions, please send an email to Someone from our team will reach back to you to schedule a time to discuss your business needs. You may also use this link to book a quick chat with our CEO
Our goal as a company is to make this process simple and easy for you at an affordable price.
Always feel free to reach out to info@everythingwebinar to schedule a Coaching session, Training program or book a Virtual Office Audit and further explore your training options.
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