Why Your Virtual Office Needs an Audit


Are your Virtual Presentations lackluster?

Then your virtual office needs an Audit!


The Number 1 blind-spot of companies who have newly transitioned their workforce to working remotely is this: the cute makeshift office spaces everyone has created in their spare room, dining room or basement, is now…not so cute. In fact, these thrown together virtual office spaces are now a liability in your business. Here is why…


How many times have you found yourself on a video meeting via @Zoom, @GoToWebinar, @CiscoWebex, @MicrosoftTeams and you’ve been completely distracted by the following things: the speakers’ background is cluttered, their face is completely in shadow, the sound is warbly and/or they are not making eye contact with you.


Virtual Office needs an Audit


You are not buying into whatever it is the speaker wants you to buy into, because you are no longer focusing on them. In fact, you’re quickly downshifting your evaluation of their professionalism, competency and effectiveness because you are focused on the contents of their closet.  Why haven’t they figured out by now that no-one can hear them over their laptop mic? Why haven’t they adjusted the camera angle?  #endthenosemadness and is that an authentic lava lamp on their shelf?!  The distractions are endless.


These are the very same details your meeting attendee, prospect or client are likely thinking when they are across the screen from you and your employees during that crucial meeting or presentation.




This is exactly why you need to book Everything Webinar’s Virtual Office Audit. Whether you opt in for the Basic Virtual Office Audit, or the Advanced Virtual Office Audit, your company will protect the considerable investment you’ve made in creating a unique Brand.  An audit will help to ensure key team members and their home office configurations are setting the business up for success, and not sabotaging your brand.


Virtual Office needs an Audit



Our Virtual Office Auditors will provide 1:1 coaching for each of your employees on optimizing their Virtual Office setup and on camera performance through a simple 7 step process. #WorkingRemotely #WFH #RemoteOffice is all here to stay, so now is the time to invest in bringing your remote team’s virtual offices up to speed before your competition does.


And while you’re at it, you might want to reconsider the Sausage Party poster your kid taped to the wall in the spare room/office. 🙂


Book your Virtual Office Audit TODAY!


Always feel free to reach out to info@everythingwebinar to schedule a coaching sessiontraining program and further explore your training options, or follow us at:







About the author: Everything Webinar

About the author: Everything Webinar

Everything Webinar has a team of blog writers who contribute to the World of Webinars!